and Scientific Research
on the Relaxation Response and Meditation

Dr. Benson has been a pioneer in
studying the
physiological changes during meditation
techniques since 1968 as a professor at Harvard
helping them become acceptable topics of study. |

Dr. Benson and Dr.
Robert K. Wallace published first study,
"A wakeful hypometabolic physiologic state"
in the
American Journal of Physiology, 1971 |
Dr. Benson's Published Scientific Research Articles
Over 200, according to
Example: 1974 Lancet Decreased
blood-pressure in pharmacologically treated hypertensive patients who regularly
elicited the relaxation response. (PDF)
See complete list at
- Wallace RK, Benson H, Wilson AF. A wakeful hypometabolic physiologic state.
Am J Physiol 1971;221:795-9.
- Benson H, Malvea BP, Graham JR. Physiologic correlates of meditation and their clinical
effects in headache: An ongoing investigation. Headache
- Benson H, Beary JF, Carol MP. The relaxation response.
Psychiatry 1974;37:37-46.
- Benson H. Decreased alcohol intake associated with the practice of meditation: A
retrospective investigation. Ann N Y Acad Sci April 15,
- Benson H, Rosner BA, Marzetta BR, Klemchuk HM. Decreased blood pressure in pharmacologically
treated hypertensive patients who regularly elicited the relaxation response.
Lancet 1974;i:289-91.
- Beary JF, Benson H. A simple psychophysiologic technique which elicits the hypometabolic
changes of the relaxation response.
Psychosomatic Med
- Benson H, Klemchuk HP, Graham JR. The usefulness of the relaxation response in the therapy
of headache. Headache 1974;14:49-52.
- Benson H, Rosner BA, Marzetta BR, Klemchuk H. Decreased blood pressure in borderline
hypertensive subjects who practiced meditation.
J Chronic Dis (now
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology) 1974;27:163-9.
- Benson H, Steinert RF, Greenwood MM, Klemchuk HM, Peterson NH. Continuous measurement of O2
consumption and CO2 elimination during a wakeful hypometabolic state.
J Human Stress 1975;1:37-44.
- Benson H, Alexander S, Feldman CL. Decreased premature ventricular contractions through the
use of the relaxation response in patients with stable ischemic heart disease.
Lancet 1975;ii:380-2.
- Benson H, Greenwood MM, Klemchuk H. The relaxation response: Psychophysiologic aspects and
clinical applications. Psychiatry Med 1975;6:87-98.
- Greenwood MM, Benson H. The efficacy of progressive relaxation in systematic desensitization
and a proposal for an alternative competitive response - the relaxation response. Behav Res Ther
research and therapy) 1977;15:337-43.
- Peters RK, Benson H, Porter D. Daily relaxation response breaks in a working population: 1.
Health, performance and well-being. Am J Public Health
- Peters RK, Benson H, Peters JM. Daily relaxation response breaks in a working population: 2.
Blood pressure. Am J Public Health 1977;67:954-9.
- Benson H, Dryer T, Hartley LH. Decreased oxygen consumption during exercise with elicitation
of the relaxation response. J Human Stress
- Benson H, Frankel FH, Apfel R, Daniels MD, Schniewind HE, Nemiah JC, Sifneos PE, Crassweller
KD, Greenwood MM, Kotch JB, Arns PA, Rosner B. Treatment of anxiety: A comparison of the
usefulness of self-hypnosis and a meditational relaxation technique.
Psychother Psychosom 1978;30:229-42.
- Carrington P, Collings GH Jr, Benson H, Robinson H, Wood LW, Lehrer PM, Woolfolk RL, Cole JW.
The use of meditation-relaxation techniques for the management of stress in a working
population. J Occup Med 1980;22:22-31.
- Benson H, Arns PA, Hoffman JW. The relaxation response and hypnosis.
Int J Clin Exp Hypn (Journal of
Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis) 1981;29:259-70.
- Hoffman JW, Benson H, Arns PA, Stainbrook GL, Landsberg L, Young JB, Gill A. Reduced
sympathetic nervous system responsivity associated with the relaxation response.
Science 1982;215:190-2.
- Benson H, Lehmann JW, Malhotra MS, Goldman RF, Hopkins J, Epstein MD. Body temperature
changes during the practice of g tum-mo (heat) yoga. Nature
- Benson H. Body temperature changes during the practice of g Tum-mo yoga. (Matters Arising)
Nature 1982;298:402.
- Kutz I, Borysenko JZ, Benson H. Meditation and psychotherapy: A rationale for the
integration of dynamic psychotherapy, the relaxation response and mindfulness meditation.
Am J Psychiatry 1985;142:1-8.
- Kutz I, Lesermen, J, Dorrington C, Morrison CH, Borysenko J, Benson H. Meditation as an
adjunct to psychotherapy: an outcome study. Psychother Psychosom 1985;43:209-18.
- Fentress DW, Masek BJ, Mehegan JE, Benson H. Biofeedback and relaxation-response training in
the treatment of pediatric migraine. Dev Med Child Neurol 1986;28:139-46.
- Lehmann JW, Goodale IL, Benson H. Reduced pupillary sensitivity to topical phenylephrine
associated with the relaxation response. J Human Stress 1986;12:101-4.
- Stuart EM, Caudill M, Leserman J, Dorrington C, Friedman R, Benson H. Non-pharmacologic
treatment of hypertension: a multiple risk-factor approach. J Cardiovasc Nurs 1987;1:1-14.
- Domar AD, Noe JM, Ransil B, Benson H. The preoperative use of the relaxation response with
ambulatory surgery patients. J Human Stress 1987;13:101-7.
- Leserman J, Stuart EM, Mamish ME, Benson. The efficacy of the relaxation response in
preparing for cardiac surgery. Behav Med 1989;5:111-7.
- Leserman J, Stuart EM, Mamish ME, Deckro JP, Beckam RJ, Friedman R, Benson H.
Nonpharmacologic intervention for hypertension: Long term follow-up. J Cardiopulmonary Rehabil.
1989; 9:316-24.
- Mandle CL, Domar AD, Harrington DP, Leserman J, Bozadjian EM, Friedman R, Benson H. The
relaxation response in femoral arteriography. Radiology 1990;174:737-9.
- Goodale IL, Domar AD, Benson H. Alleviation of premenstrual syndrome symptoms with the
relaxation response. Obstet Gynecol 1990;75:649-55.
- Domar AD, Seibel MS, Benson H. The mind/body program for infertility: A new behavioral
treatment approach for women with infertility. Fertil Steril 1990;53:246-9.
- Benson H, Malhotra MS, Goldman RF, Jacobs GD, Hopkins PJ. Three case reports of the
metabolic and electroencephalographic changes during advanced Buddhist meditative techniques.
Behav Med 1990;16:90-5.
- Hellman CJC, Budd M, Borysenko J, McClelland DC, Benson H. A study of the effectiveness of
two group behavioral medicine interventions for patients with psychosomatic complaints. Behav
Med 1990;16:165-73.
- Kass JD, Friedman R, Leserman J, Zuttermeister PC, Benson H. Health outcome and a new index
of spiritual experience. J Sci Stud Religion 1991;30:203-11.
- Kass JD, Friedman R, Leserman J, Caudill M, Zuttermeister PC, Benson H. An inventory of
positive psychological attitudes with potential relevance to health outcomes: Validation and
preliminary testing. Behav Med 1991;17:121-9.
- Caudill M, Schnable R, Zuttermeister P, Benson H, Friedman R. Decreased clinic utilization
by chronic pain patients: Response to Behavioral Medicine intervention. Clin J Pain
- Myers SS, Benson H. Psychological factors in healing: A new perspective on an old debate.
Behav Med 1992;18:5-11.
- Domar AD, Zuttermeister P, Seibel M, Benson H. Psychological improvement in infertile women
after behavioral treatment: A replication. Fertil Steril 1992;58:144-7.
- Jacobs GD, Rosenberg PA, Friedman R, Matheson J, Guerry PM, Domar AD, Benson H. Multifactor
behavioral treatment of chronic sleep-onset insomnia using stimulus control and the relaxation
response: A preliminary study. Behav Mod 1993;17:498-509.
- Jacobs GD, Benson H, Friedman R. Home-based central nervous system assessment of multifactor
behavioral intervention for chronic sleep-onset insomnia. Behav Ther 1993;24:159-74.
- Benson H, Kornhaber A, Kornhaber C, LeChanu MN, Zuttermeister PC, Myers P, Friedman R.
Increases in positive psychological characteristics with a new relaxation-response curriculum in
high school students. J Res Dev Ed 1994;
- Jacobs GD, Benson H. Topographic EEG mapping of the relaxation response. Biofeed Selfreg
1996; 21: 1-7.
- Peng CK, Mietus JE, Liu Y, Khalsa G, Douglas PS, Benson H, Goldberger AI. Exaggerated heart
rate oscillations during two meditation techniques. Int J Cardiol, 1999; 70:101-7.
- Benson H, Dusek JA. Self-reported health, illness and the use of conventional,
unconventional medicine, and mind/body, spiritual healing in Christian Scientists and others. J
Nerv Ment Dis, 1999; 186:539-48.
- Lazar SW, Bush G, Gollub RL, Fricchione GL, Khalsa G, Benson H. Functional brain mapping of
the relaxation response and meditation. NeuroReport,
May 2000; 11:1581-85.
- Nakao M, Fricchione G, Myers P, Zuttermeister PC, Barsky AJ, Benson H. Depression and
education as predicting factors for completion of behavioral medicine intervention in a
mind/body medicine clinic. Behav Med, in press.
- Nakao M, Myers P, Fricchione G, Zuttermeister PC, Barsky AJ, Benson H. Somatization and
symptom reduction through a behavioral medicine intervention a mind/body medicine clinic. Behav
Med, in press.
- Nakao M, Fricchione G, Zuttermeister PC, Myers P, Barsky AJ, Benson H. Effects of gender and
marital status on somatic symptoms of patients attending a mind/body medicine clinic. Behav Med.
in press.
- Nakao M, Fricchione G, Myers P, Zuttermeister PC, Barsky AJ, Benson H. Depression and
education as predicting factors for completion of behavioral medicine intervention in a
mind/body medicine clinic. Behav Med, 2001; 26:177-84.
- Dusek, JA, Sherwood JB, Friedman R, Myers P, Bethea CF, Levitsky S, Hill PC, Jain, MK,
Kopecki SL, Mueller PS, Lam P, Benson H. Study of the therapeutic effects of intercessory prayer
(STEP): study design and research methods. Am Heart J 2002; 143:577-84.
- Deckro GR, Ballinger KM, Hoyt M, Wilcher M, Dusek, J, Myers P, Greenberg B, Rosenthal DS,
Benson H. The evaluation of a mind/body intervention to reduce psychological distress and
perceived stress in college students. J Am Coll Health 2002; 281-7.
- Keefer L, Blanchard EB.
A one year follow-up of relaxation response meditation as a treatment for irritable bowel
Behav Res Ther 2002;
40: 541-6.
- Keefer L, Blanchard EB.
The effects of relaxation response meditation on the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome:
results of a controlled treatment study.
Behav Res Ther 2001;
39: 801-11.
- KATSUO KAMATA, MASATO NAKAJIMA and MAKOTO SUGIURA, Effects of superoxide dismutase on the
acetylcholine-induced relaxation response incholesterol-fed and streptozotocin-induced diabetic
Department of Physiology and Morphology, Institute of Medicinal Chemistry, HoshiUniversity,
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 142-8501, Japan
Feature Article
Benson, H.; Wallace, R., et al. Decreased drug abuse with Transcendental
Meditation: A study of 1,862 subjects. In Drug Abuse: Proceedings of the International
Conference, ed. Chris J. D. Zarafonetis, pp. 369-376.
Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1972.

Benson, H.;
Wallace, R., et al. Decreased drug abuse with Transcendental Meditation: A study of
1,862 subjects. In Drug Abuse: Proceedings of the International Conference,
ed. Chris J. D. Zarafonetis, pp.
369-376. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1972.
List of
Dr. Benson's Research
From: http://www.medmind.co.uk/CSMScient.htm
- Jevning, R., Wallace, R.K., Beidebach, M., "The Physiology of Meditation: A Wakeful
Hypometabolic Integrated Response." Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 16 (3):
415-424, 1992.
- Benson, H., Marzetta, B.R., and Rosner, B.A., "Decreased Systolic Blood Pressure in
Hypertensive Subjects Who Practised Meditation". Journal of Clinical Investigation, 52:
8a, 1973.
- Goleman, D.J. and Schwartz, G.E., "Meditation as an Intervention in Stress Reactivity".
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44: 456-466, 1976.
- Carrington, P., "Modern Forms of Meditation" in Lehrer, P.M. and Woolfolk, R.L. (Eds.).
Principles and Practice of Stress Management (2nd Edition). New York: Guilford Press,
1993, 139-168.
- Carrington, P., Collings G.H., Benson H., Robinson H., Wood L.W., Lehrer P.M., Woolfolk R.L.,
Cole J.W., "The Use of Meditation - Relaxation Techniques for the Management of Stress in a
Working Population". Journal of Occupational Medicine, April 1980, Vol.22 No.4:
- Benson, H. The Relaxation Response. New York: Morrow, 1975.
- Daniels, D. Cited in P. Carrington: Freedom in Meditation. Anchor Press/Doubleday.
1977, 60-61.
- Shapiro, A.P. et al., "Behavioural Methods in the Treatment of Hypertension". Annals of
Internal Medicine, 86: 626-636, 1977.
- Benson, H., "Systemic Hypertension and the Relaxation Response." New England Journal of
Medicine, 296: 1152-1156, 1977.
- Schneider, R.H., Staggers, F., Alexander, C.N., et al., "A Randomized Controlled Trial of
Stress Reduction for Hypertension in Older African Americans". Hypertension, 26(5):
820-827, 1995.
- Benson, H., Alexander, S., and Feldman, C.L., "Decreased Premature Ventricular Contractions
Through the Use of the Relaxation Response in Patients with Stable Ischaemic Heart Disease."
Lancet, 2: 380, 1975.
- Zamarra, J.W., Schneider, R.H., Besseghini, I., et al., "Usefulness of the Transcendental
Meditation Program in the Treatment of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease." American
Journal of Cardiology, 77(10): 867-870, 1996.
- Zamarra, J.W., Besseghini, I., and Wittenberg, S., "The Effects of the Transcendental
Meditation Program on the Exercise Performance of Patients with Angina Pectoris." In D.W. Orme-Johnson
& J. T. Farrow (Eds.). Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program:
Collected Papers: Vol. 1. Livingston Manor, NY: Maharishi European Research Press, 1978,
- Woolfolk, R.L., Carr-Kaffashan, K., Lehrer, P.M., et al., "Meditation Training as a
Treatment for Insomnia". Behaviour Therapy 7: 359-365, 1976.
- Shafii, M., Lavely, R.A. and Jaffe, R.D., "Meditation and the Prevention of Alcohol Abuse."
American Journal of Psychiatry, 132: 942-945, 1975.
- Royer, A., "The Role of the Transcendental Meditation Program in Promoting Smoking
Cessation: A Longitudinal Study". Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly. Vol. II (1-2): 221-239,
- Alexander, C.N., Robinson, P., and Rainforth, M., "Treating and Preventing Alcohol,
Nicotine, and Drug Abuse Through Transcendental Meditation: A Review and Statistical
Meta-Analysis of 19 Studies." Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, Vol. II (1-2): 13-87, 1994.
- Wilson, A.F., Honsberger, R., Chiu, I.T., et al., "Transcendental Meditation and Asthma."
Respiration, 32: 74-80, 1975.
- Deepak, K.K., Manchananda, S.K., and Maheswari, M.C., "Meditation Improves
Clinicoelectroencephalographic Measures in Drug-Resistant Epileptics." Biofeedback and
Self-Regulation. 19 (1): 25-40, 1994.
- Cooper, M.J. and Aygen, M.M., "A Relaxation Technique in the Management of
Hypercholesterolemia." Journal of Human Stress, 5: 24-27, 1979.
- Heriberto, C., "The Effects of Clinically Standardized Meditation (CSM) on Type II
Diabetics." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Adelphi University, Institute of Advanced
Studies, 1988.
- Gaston, L., "Efficacy of Imagery and Meditation Techniques in Treating Psoriasis".
Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 8 (1): 25-38, 1988.
- Kaplan, K.H., Goldenberg, D.L., and Galvin-Nadeau, M., "The Impact of a Meditation-Based
Stress Reduction Program on Fibromyalgia." General Hospital Psychiatry, 15 (5): 284-289,
- Luthe, W. and Schultz, J.H., Autogenic Therapy, Vols. I-VI. New York: Grune and
Stratton, 1969.
- Fowler, J.E., Budzynski, T.H., and Van den Berg, R.L., "Effects of an EMG Biofeedback
Relaxation Programme on the Control of Diabetes: A Case Study". Biofeedback and
Self-Regulation, 1: 105-112, 1976.
- Wesch, J.E., Clinical Comments Section. Newsletter of the Biofeedback Society, 5 (3),
July 1977.
- Patel, C.H., "Yoga and Biofeedback in the
Management of Hypertension". Lancet, 2: 1053-1055, 1973.
More at
Reviews, Chapters, and Editorials
- Benson H. Yoga for drug abuse. New England Journal of Medicine 1969;281:1133 (letter to the
- Benson H, Wallace RK. Decreased drug abuse with Transcendental Meditation: A study of 1,861
subjects. In: Zarafonetis CJD, ed. Drug abuse-proceedings of the international conference.
Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1972:369-76.
- Marzetta BR, Benson H, Wallace RK. Combating drug dependency in young people: A new
approach. Counterpoint 1972;4:13-36.
- Wallace RK, Benson H. The physiology of meditation. Scientific American 1972;226:84-90.
- Benson H. Methods of blood pressure recording: 1733-1971. In: Onestic G, Kim KE, Moyer JH,
eds. Hypertension: mechanisms and management. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1973:119-23.
- Benson H. Conditioned modifications of blood pressure. In: Onesti G, Kim KE, Moyer JH, eds.
Hypertension: mechanisms and management. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1973:119-23.
- Benson H. Transcendental meditation - science or cult? JAMA 1974;227:807.
- Benson H. Your innate asset for combating stress. Harvard Business Review 1974;52:49-60.
- Benson H, Gutmann MC. The relation of environmental factors to systemic arterial
hypertension. In: Eliot RS, ed. Contemporary problems in cardiology, vol. I. Stress and the
heart. Mt. Kisco, New York: Futura, 1974:13-31.
- Benson H, Marzetta BR, Rosner BA. Decreased blood pressure associated with the regular
elicitation of the relaxation response: a study of hypertensive subjects. In: Eliot RS, ed.
Contemporary problems in cardiology, vol. I. Stress and the heart. Mt. Kisco, New York: Futura,
- Shapiro D, Schwartz GE, Benson H. Biofeedback: a behavioral approach to cardiovascular
self-control. In: Eliot RS, ed. Contemporary problems in cardiology, vol. I. Stress and the
heart. Mt. Kisco, New York: Futura, 1974:279-92.
- Benson H. The relaxation response and cardiovascular diseases. Chest, Heart, Stroke J
- Benson H, Greenwood MM. Behavioral modifications of blood pressure in man. In: Onesti G,
Fernandes M, Kim KE, eds. Regulation of blood pressure by the central nervous system. New York:
Grune and Stratton, 1976:119-28.
- Benson H, Kotch JB, Crassweller KD. The usefulness of the relaxation response in the
treatment of stress-related cardiovascular diseases. J S C Med Assoc 1976;72:50-6.
- Benson H. Can hypertension be induced by stress? A case discussion. J Human Stress
- Benson H. Systemic hypertension and the relaxation response. N Engl J Med 1977;296:1152-6.
- Benson H, Kotch JB, Crassweller KD. The relaxation response: A bridge between psychiatry and
medicine. Med Clin North Am 1977;61:929-38.
- Benson H, Kotch JB, Crassweller KD, Greenwood MM. Historical and clinical considerations of
the relaxation response. Am Sci 1977;65:441-5.
- Benson H, Kotch JB, Crassweller KD. Stress and hypertension: Interrelations and management.
In: Onesti G, Brest AM, eds. Hypertension: Mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment. Philadelphia:
Davis, 1978:113-24.
- Peters RK, Benson H. Time out from tension. Harvard Business Review 1978;56:120-4.
- Benson H. Behavioral Medicine: A perspective from within the field of medicine. National
Forum 1980;60:3-5.
- Benson H, Allen RL. How much stress is too much? Harvard Business Review 1980;58:86-92.
- Benson H, Goodale I. The relaxation response: Your inborn capacity to counteract the harmful
effects of stress. J Fla Med Assoc 1981; 68:265-7.
- Wechsler H, Benson H, Bovey JD. Training of health researchers: Postdoctoral trainees and
fellows in Massachusetts. Mass J Community Health 1981;1:30-3.
- Benson H. The relaxation response: History, physiologic basis and clinical usefulness. Acta
Med Scand 1982;660(Suppl):231-7.
- Lehmann JW, Benson H. Nonpharmacologic therapy of blood pressure. Gen Hosp Psychiatry
- Stainbrook GL, Hoffman HW, Benson H. Behavioral therapies of hypertension: psychotherapy,
biofeedback, and relaxation/meditation. Rev Int Psychol 1983;32:119-35.
- Benson H. The relaxation response: Its subjective and objective historical precedents and
physiology. TINS 1983;6:281-4.
- Lehmann JW, Benson H. The behavioral treatment of hypertension. In: Genest J, Kuchel O,
Hamet P, Cantin M, eds. Hypertension: Physiopathology and treatment. New York: McGraw-Hill,
- Benson H. The relaxation response: Physiologic basis and clinical applicability. In:
Dembroski TM, Schmidt TH, Blumchen G, eds. Biobehavioral bases of coronary heart disease. Besel:
Karger, 1983:439-49.
- Benson H. Relaxation response and norepinephrine: A new study illuminates mechanisms.
Integrative Psychiatry 1983;1:15-19.
- Benson H. The author responds. Integrative Psychiatry 1983;1:66-8.
- Kutz I, Caudill M, Benson H. The role of relaxation in behavioral therapies of chronic pain.
In: Stein JM, Warfield CA, eds. Pain management. Boston: Little Brown, 1983:193-200.
- Benson H. The relaxation response and the treatment of anxiety. In: Grinspoon L, ed.
Psychiatric update. The American Psychiatric Association annual review vol. III. Washington:
American Psychiatric Press, 1984:440-8 and 530-1.
- Benson H, Caudill MA. The use of relaxation techniques in the management of hypertension.
Primary Cardiol 1984;10:137-44.
- Benson H, Pomeranz B, Kutz I. Pain and the relaxation response. In: Wall PD and Melzack R,
eds. Textbook of pain. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1984:817-22.
- Barr BP, Benson H. The relaxation response and cardiovascular disorders. Behav Med Update
- Benson H, Friedman R. A rebuttal to the conclusions of David S. Holmes' article: "Meditation
and somatic arousal reduction." Am Psychologist 1985;40:725-8.
- Benson H. Stress, health and the relaxation response. In: Gentry WD, Benson H, deWolff CJ,
eds. Behavioral medicine: Work, stress and health. Dordrecht: M. Nijhoff. NATO ASI Series D -
No. 19, 1985:15-32.
- Benson H. Stress, anxiety and the relaxation response. In: Behavioral biology in medicine -
A monograph series: No. 3. So. Norwalk, CT: Meducation, 1985:1-28.
- Benson H. The relaxation response. How to lower blood pressure, cope with pain and reduce
anxiety in 20 minutes a day. Harvard Medical Alumni Bull 1986;60:33-5.
- Benson H. The physiology, history and clinical applications of the relaxation response. In:
Klump W, ed. Encyclopedia of neuroscience. Boston: Birkhauser, 1987:1045-7.
- Caudill M, Friedman R, Benson H. Relaxation therapy in the control of blood pressure. Bibl
Cardiol 1987;41:106-19.
- Benson H. The relaxation response: A bridge between medicine and religion. Harvard Med
School Letter 1988;4:4-6.
- Benson H. Book review of The Golden Guru. The strange journey of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
Harvard Medical Alumni Bull 1988;62:10-1.
- Benson H. Hypnosis and the relaxation response. (Editorial) Gastroenterology
- Everly GS Jr, Benson H. Disorders of arousal and the relaxation response: Speculations on
the nature and treatment of stress-related diseases. Int J Psychosomatics 1989;36:15-21.
- Benson H. A tribute to Norman Cousins. Advances 1991;7:56-7.
- Friedman R, Stuart EM, Benson H. Essential hypertension: nonpharmacologic adjuncts to
therapy. In: Cooke JP, Frohlich ED, ed. Current management of hypertensive and vascular
diseases. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 1992:1-7.
- Friedman R, Siegel WC, Jacobs SC, Benson H. JAMA (Letter to the editor) 1992;268:198.
- Domar AD, Friedman R, Benson H. Behavior therapy. In: Warfield CA, ed. Principles and
practice of pain management. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993:437-44.
- Benson H. The relaxation response. In: Goleman D, Gurin J, ed. Mind/Body medicine. Yonkers:
Consumer Reports Books, 1993:233-57.
- Friedman R, Zuttermeister P, Benson H. (Letter to the editor) N Engl J Med, 1993; 329: 1201.
- Stuart E, Friedman R, Benson H. Promoting nonpharmacologic interventions to treat elevated
blood pressure. Behavioral Science Learning Modules, Geneva: World Health Organization, 1993:
- Domar AD, Benson H. Application of behavioral medicine techniques to the treatment of
infertility. In: Seibel MM, Kiessling AA, Bernstein J, Levin SR, eds. Technology and
infertility: Clinical, psychological, legal and ethical aspects. New York: Springer-Verlaq 1993:
- Benson H, Stuart EM, Friedman R. (Letter to the editor) Ann Int Med, 1994; 230: 91.
- Friedman R, Benson H. Behavioral medicine: a retrospective and a look forward. Behav Med
1994; 19: 143-4.
- Friedman R, Vasile RG, Gallagher RM, Benson H. Behavioral-medicine and psychiatry:
Difference and areas of collaboration. Directions Psychiatry 1994: 14: 1-8.
- Friedman R, Shackelford A, Reiff S, Benson H. Stress and weight maintenance: the
disinhibition effect and the micromanagement of stress. In: Blackburn GL, Kanders, BS, ed.
Obesity pathophysiology psychology and treatment. New York: Chapman Hall, 1994: 253-63.
- Benson H, Friedman R. Alternative to mainstream medicine: science as the arbiter.
Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of the 103th Congress, Second Session, 1994; 140:
- Benson H, Friedman R. The three legged stool: Mind/Body medicine and mainstream medical
care. Mind/Body Med 1995; 1: 1-2.
- Benson H. Commentary: Placebo effect and remembered wellness. Mind/Body Med 1995; 1: 44-5.
- Friedman R, Sobel D, Myers P, Caudill M, Benson H. Behavioral medicine, health psychology
and cost offset. Health Psychol 1995; 14:509-18.
- Benson H, Friedman R. Harnessing the power of the placebo effect and renaming it "remembered
wellness". Annu Rev Med 1996; 47: 193-9.
- Friedman R, Myers P, Krass S, Benson H. The Relaxation Response: Use with Cardiac Patients.
In: Allen R, Scheidt S. eds. Heart and mind. The practice of cardiac psychology. American
Psychological Association Press, Washington, 1996; 363-84.
- Benson H, Friedman R. Behavioral medicine and health care reform. The Leifer Report. Spring
- Summer, 1996.
- Friedman R, Benson H. Mind/body medicine and diversity. Mind/Body Med 1996; 175.
- Friedman R, Benson H. Spirituality, religious practice and medical outcomes. Mind/Body Med
1997; 2:87.
- Friedman R, Steinman M, Benson H. The relaxation response: physiological effects and medical
applications. In: Haruki Y. ed. Comparative and psychological studies on meditation. Tokyo:
Waseda University Press, 1996: 205-11.
- Friedman R, Sedler M, Myers P, Benson H. Behavioral Medicine, Complementary Medicine and
Integrated Care: Economic Implications. In: Randall J, Lazar J, ed. Primary Care. Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders, 1997: 949-62.
- Friedman R, Myers P, Benson H. Meditation and the Relaxation Response. In: Friedman HS, ed.
Encyclopedia of Mental Health. San Diego: Academic Press, 1998: 621-8.
- Friedman R, Myers P, Benson H. Relaxation response. In:Allison N, ed. Illustrated
encyclopedia of body-mind disciplines. New York: Rosen Publishing Group, 1999:322-4.
- Benson H, Myers P. The importance of the placebo effect in alternative therapies. The Forum,
1999; 19:7-8.
- Benson, H. The relaxation response. Physiology, history and clinical applications. In:
Adelman G, Smith BH, eds. Encyclopedia of neuroscience. 2nd edition Boston:Elsevier, 1776-8.
- Benson H, Myers P. Medical aspects of belief. In: Stannard, R. ed. God for the 21st century.
Radnor, Pennsylvania: Templeton Foundation Press, 2000.
- Benson H, Myers P. Mind/body medicine and spirituality. In: Hermann, R. ed., Ten scientists
consider humility theology, 2000.
- Koenig HG, Idler E, Kasl S, Hays JC, George LK, Musick M, Larson DB, Collins TR, Benson. H.
Religion, spirituality, and medicine: A rebuttal to skeptics. Int J Psychiatry Med, 1999;
- Kradin R, Benson, H. Stress, the relaxation response and immunity. Mod Asp Immunobiol, 2000;
- Stefano GB, Fricchione GL, Slingsby BT, Benson H. The placebo effect and the relaxation
response: neural processes and their coupling to constitutive nitric oxide. Brain Res Rev (in
- Esch T, Stefano GB, Fricchione GL, Benson H. Stress in cardiovascular diseases. Med Sci
Monit, 2002; 8:RA 93-101.
- Esch T, Stefano GB, Fricchione GL, Benson H. Stress-related diseases-a potential role for
nitric oxide. Med Sci Monit 2002, 8:RA 103-118.
- Esch T, Stefano GB, Fricchione GL, Benson H. The role of stress in neurodegenerative
diseases and mental disorders. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2002; 199-208.
- Benson H, The relaxation response: a learned mechanism. Placebo (in press).
- Esch T, Stefano GB, Fricchione GL, Benson H. An overview of stress and its impact in
immunological diseases. Mod ASP Immunobiol 2002 (in press)
Books, Monographs, and Text Books
Benson H. The relaxation response. New York: Morrow, 1975.
1a. ibid, London: Collins, 1976.
1b. ibid, New York: Avon, 1976.
1c. ibid, (Mietiskellen mielenrauhaan) Helsinki: Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhtio, 1976.
1d. ibid, Boston: Hall, 1976.
1e. ibid, (Reagir par la detente) Paris: Tchou, 1976.
1f. ibid, (La risposta rilassante) Milan: Rizzoli Editore, 1977.
1g. ibid, Tokyo: Kodan Sha, 1977.
1h. ibid, (Relajacion) Barcelona: Editorial Pomaire, 1977.
1i. ibid, (Afspaending meditation og blodtryk) Copenhagen: Bergens Forlag, 1977.
1j. ibid, (Aprendendo a relaxar) Rio de Janeiro: Editora Artenova, 1977.
1k. ibid, (Bewust ontspannen) Amsterdam: H J W Becht's Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1978.
1l. ibid, (Arslappning) Varnamo: Brombers Bokforlag, 1980.
- Benson H. The mind/body effect. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1979.
2a. ibid, (El effecto mente/cuerpo) Barcelona-Buenos Aires-Mexico: Grijalbo, 1980.
2b. ibid, New York: Berkley, 1980.
2c. ibid, (Medicina Humanista) Sao Paulo: Editora Brasiliense, 1980.
- Benson H. Beyond the relaxation response. New York: Times Books, 1984.
3a. ibid, London: Collins-Fount, 1985.
3b. ibid, New York: Berkley, 1985.
3c. ibid, Barcelona: Grijalbo Ediciones, 1986.
- Benson H. Your maximum mind. New York: Times Books/Random House, 1987.
4a. ibid, London: Thorson's, 1988.
4b. ibid, New York: Avon, 1989.
4c. ibid, (El poder de la mente) Barcelona: Grijalbo Ediciones, 1989.
- Benson H, Stuart E, Staff of the Mind/Body Medical Institute. The wellness book. New York:
Carol, 1992.
5a. ibid, New York: Fireside, 1993.
5b. ibid, Wien: Donauland (in press).
- Benson H. Timeless Healing: The Power and biology of belief. New York: Scribner, 1996.
6a. ibid, Rydalmere (Australia): Hodder & Stoughton, 1996.
6b. ibid, London: Simon & Schuster, 1996.
6c. ibid, Rockland: Wheeler, 1996.
6d. ibid, (Geloof in uw eigen geneeskracht de medische werking van geest en spiritualiteit)
Utrecht: Kosmos, 1996.
6e. ibid, (Curados por la Fe. Revelador Estudio Sobre el Poder Curativo de las Creencias)
Bogota: Grupo Editorial Norma , 1996.
6f. ibid, (Siempre Sano. La Biología y la Fuerza de las Creencias) Barcelona: Grijalbo,
6g. ibid, New York: Fireside, 1996.
6h. ibid, (Credere Per Poter Guarire) Milan: Sperling & Kupfer, 1997.
6i. ibid, Munich: (Heilung Durch Glauben. Die Beweise. Selbstheilung In Der Neuen Medizin)
Heyne Verlag, 1997.
6j. ibid, Tokyo: Shoeisha, 1997.
6k. ibid, (Moc A Bíologie Víry V Uzdravení) Prague: Sofa, 1997.
6l. ibid, London: Pocket Books, 1998.
6m. ibid, (Medicina Espiritual. O Poder Essencial da Cura) Rio de Janeiro: Editorial Campas,
6n. ibid, Tapei: Successmart (in press).
6o. ibid, Bratislava: Sofa (in press).
6p. ibid, Seoul: Miresa (in press).
6q. ibid, Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara (in press).
- Benson H. The relaxation response - updated and expanded (25th the anniversary edition) New
York: Avon, 2000.
Educational Material
For each of the six courses listed on page 9, Dr. Benson had the leadership role and produced
syllabi, tutorial cases, teaching exhibits, etc.
Other Articles by Dr. Herbert Benson - some of which may include references to the
Relaxation Response
- Costas R Jr, Garcia-Palmieri MR, Feliberti M, Benson H, Blanton JH, Aixala R. Accuracy of
death certification in metropolitan San Juan. Bol Assoc Med Puerto Rico 1964;56:411-23.
- Garcia-Palmieri MR, Feliberti M, Costas R Jr, Benson H, Blanton JH, Aixala R. Coronary heart
disease mortality: A death certificate study. J Chronic Dis 1965;18:1317-23.
- Blanton JH, Rodriquez M, Costas R Jr, Benson H, Aixala R, Garcia-Palmieri MR. A dietary
study of urban and rural males in Puerto Rico. Am J Clin Nutr 1966;18:169-75.
- Benson H, Costas R Jr, Garcia-Palmieri MR, Feliberti M, Aixala R, Blanton JH, Colon AA.
Coronary heart disease risk factors: A comparison of two Puerto Rican populations. Am J Public
Health 1966;56:1057-60.
- Truett JT, Benson H, Balke B. On the practicability of submaximal exercise testing. J
Chronic Dis 1966;19:711-5.
- Skinner JS, Benson H, McDonough JR, Hames CG. Social status, physical activity and coronary
proneness. J Chronic Dis 1966;19:773-83.
- Benson H, Ellis LB, Harken DE. The effect of preoperative systemic blood pressure on closed
mitral valvuloplasty. A study of 1,630 patients with up to 15-year follow-up. Am Heart J
- Ellis LB, Benson H, Harken DE. The effect of age and other factors on the early and late
results following closed mitral valvuloplasty. (A study of 1,817 patients). Am Heart J
- Benson H, Herd JA, Morse WH, Kelleher RT. The behavioral induction of arterial hypertension
and its reversal. Am J Physiol 1969;217:30-4.
- Benson H, Akbarian M, Adler LN, Agelmann WH. Hemodynamic effects of pneumonia. I. Normal and
hypodynamic responses. J Clin Invest 1970;49:791-8.
- Kumar R, Wallace WA, Ramirez A, Benson H, Abelmann WH. Hemodynamic effects of pneumonia. II.
Expansion of plasma volume. J Clin Invest 1970;49:799-805.
- Benson H, Herd JA, Morse WH, Kelleher, RT. Hypotensive effects of chlordiazepoxide,
amobarbital, and chlorpromazine on behaviorally induced elevated blood pressure in the squirrel
monkey. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1970;173:399-406.
- Benson H, Herd JA, Morse WH, Kelleher RT. Behaviorally induced hypertension in the squirrel
monkey. Circ Res Suppl 1970;I 26-27:21-26.
- Benson H, Shapiro D, Tursky B, Schwartz GE. Decreased systolic blood pressure through
operant conditioning techniques in patients with essential hypertension. Science 1971;173:
- Benson Herbert. How antihypertensive drugs act: A physiologic approach. Consultant.
- Benson H, Epstein MD. The placebo effect--a neglected asset in the care of patients. JAMA
- Benson H, Greenwood MM. Metabolic changes during the prodrome of a migraine headache.
Headache. 1978; 17:248-9.
- Frankel FH, Apfel RJ, Kelly SF, Benson H, Quint T, Newmark J, Malmaud R. The use of
hypnotizability scales in the clinic: A review after six years. Int J Clin Exp Hypn
- Benson H, McCallie DP Jr. Angina pectoris and the placebo effect. N Engl J Med
- Benson H. The placebo effect. Harvard Med School Health Letter 1980;5:3-4.
- Kutz I, Borysenko JZ, Come SE, Benson H. Paradoxical emetic response to antiemetic treatment
in cancer patients. N Engl J Med 1980;303:1480 (letter to the editor).
- Borysenko M, Turesky S, Borysenko JZ, Quimby F, Benson H. Stress and dental caries in the
rat. J Behav Med 1980;3:233-43.
- Bear D, Schenk L, Benson H. Increased autonomic response to neural and emotional stimuli in
patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Am J Psychiatry 1981;138:843-5.
- Williams RB Jr, Benson H, Follick MJ. Disease as a reflection of the psyche. N Engl J Med
1985;313:1356-7 (letter to the editor).
- Crary B, Borysenko M, Sutherland DC, Kutz I, Borysenko JZ, Benson H. Decrease in mitogen
responsiveness of mononuclear cells from peripheral blood following epinephrine administration
in humans. J Immun 1983;130:694-7.
- Jemmott JB, Borysenko JZ, Borysenko M, McClelland DC, Chapman R, Meyer D, Benson H. Academic
stress, power motivation, and decrease in salivary secretory immunoglobulin A secretion rate.
Lancet 1983;1:1400-2.
- Crary B, Hauser SL, Borysenko M, Kutz I, Hoban C, Weiner HL, Benson H. Epinephrine-induced
changes in the distribution of lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood of humans. J Immunol
- Pomeranz B, Macaulay RJB, Caudill MA, Kutz I, Adam D, Gordon D, Kilborn K, Barger AC,
Shannon DC, Cohen RJ, Benson H. Assessment of autonomic function in man by heart rate spectral
analysis. Am J Physiol 1985;248:H151-3.
- Shannon DC, Carley DW, Benson H. Aging of modulation of heart rate. AM J Physiol
- Jacobs SC, Friedman R, Parker JD, Tofler GH, Jimanez AH, Muller JE, Benson H, Stone PH. Use
of skin conductance changes during mental stress testing as an index of autonomic arousal in
cardiovascular research. Am Heart J 1994;
- Middleman MA, Maclure M, Sherwood JB, Mulry RP, Tofler GH, Jacobs SC, Friedman R, Benson H,
Muller JE. Triggering of acute myocardial infarction onset by episodes of anger. Circulation.
1995; 92: 1720-5.
- Jacobs GD, Benson H, Friedman R. Perceived benefits in a behavioral-medicine insomnia
program a clinical report. Am J Med 1996;100:212-6.
- Tasiemski A, Salzet M, Benson H, Fricchione GL, Bilfinger TV, Goumon Y, Metz-Boutigue MH,
Aunis D, Stefano GB. The presence of antibacterial and opioid peptides in human plasma during
coronary artery bypass surgery. J Neuroimmunol, 2000; 109:228-35.
- Nakao M, Fricchione G, Myers P, Zuttermeister PC, Baim M, Mandle, CL, Medich C, Wells-Federman
CL, Arcari PM, Ennis M, Barsky, AJ, Benson H. Anxiety is a good indicator for somatic symptom
reduction through a behavioral medicine intervention in a mind/body medicine clinic. Psychother
Psychosom, 2001; 70:50-7.
- Stefano GB, Murga J, Benson H, Zhu W, Bilfinger TV, Magazine, HI. Nitric oxide inhibits
norepinephrine stimulated contraction of human internal thoracic artery and rat aorta. Pharmacol
Res, in press.
Other Reviews, Chapters, and Editorials - some of which may include references to
the Relaxation Response
- Goldsmith RS, Arnaud CD, Benson H. Comparison of metabolic and hemodynamic responses to
phosphate and calcitonin in Paget's disease of bone. In: Immunopathology of inflammation.
Excerpta Medica International Congress Series, 1970;229:257-66.
- Gutmann MC, Benson H. Interaction of environmental factors and systemic arterial blood
pressure: A review. Medicine 1971;50:543-53.
- Benson H. How antihypertensive drugs act: A physiologic approach. Consultant. 1972;12:23-4.
Abstracts of Independent
Research on Transcendental Meditation, 1996, TranceNet, Albert B. Miller
, Richard J. Depersonalization and meditation. Psychiatry; Interpersonal and
Biological Processes. May 1990, pp158-168.
, Anthony D. Counselor at Law. Twelve-page affidavit. Sea Cliff, New York, July 16,
, T. The Yoga and Consciousness Project. National Institute of Mental Health and
Neuroscience. Bangalore, India: Omni, Nov. 1990, pp84-88.
, Alfred P. et al. Transcendental meditation, altered reality testing and behavioral
change. A case report. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1975, p55.
The Various Implications Arising from the Practice of Transcendental Meditation
: An empirical
analysis of pathogenic structures as an aid in counseling. Bensheim, Germany: (Institut fur Jugend
Und Gesellschaft, Ernst-Ludwig-Strasse 45, 6140.) Institute for Youth and Society, 1980 (188 pgs).
Bernard and Charles F. Stroebel. Meditation in the treatment of psychiatric illness.
Meditation: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives (722 pages), edited by Deane Shapiro and Roger
Walsh. New York: Alden Publications, 1984, p150.
- Hassan, Steven. Combatting
Cult Mind Control. Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press, 1988.
Heide, Frederick J. and T.D. Borkovec. Relaxation-induced anxiety enhancement
due to relaxation training. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1983, p171.
- Heide, Frederick J. and T.D. Borkovec. "Relaxation-induced anxiety: mechanism and
theoretical implications." Behavioral Research Therapy, 1984, pp1-12.
- Holmes, David S, Sheldon Solomon, Bruce M. Cappo, Jeffery L. Greenberg.
Effects of transcendental meditation versus resting on physiological and subjective arousal.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1983, pp1245-1252.
- Holmes, David S. Meditation and somatic arousal reduction. American Psychologist, January
1984, pp1-10. Ensuing discussion follows in four more issues: June 1985, pp717-731; June 1986,
pp712-713; September 1986, pp1007-1009; September 1987, pp879-881.
- Kaffman, Mordecai. The use of transcendental meditation to promote
social progress in Israel" The Cultic Studies Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1986, p135.
- Kesterson, John and Noah F. Clinch. Metabolic rate, respiratory
exchange ratio, and apneas during (TM) meditation. The American Journal of Physiology, March
1989. p637.
- Lazarus, Arnold A. Meditation: the problems of any unimodal technique.
Meditation: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives (722 pages). Edited by Deane Shapiro and Roger
Walsh. New York: Aldin Publications, 1984, p691.
- Lazarus, Arnold A. Psychiatric problems precipitated by transcendental meditation.
Psychological Reports, 1976, pp601-602.
- Lifton, Robert J. Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism. Chapel
Hill, South Carolina: The University of South Carolina Press, 1989 (510 pages).
- Michaels, R.R., M.J. Huber and D.S. McCann. Science 192, 1976,
- Otis, Leon S. Adverse effects of transcendental meditation. Meditation:
Classic and Contemporary Perspectives (722 pages). Edited by Deane Shapiro and Roger Walsh. New
York: Aldin Publications, 1984, p204.
- Pagano, RR, R.M. Stivers and S. Warrenburg. Science 191, Jan. 21, 1976,
- Pagels, Heinz R. New York Academy of Sciences. An affidavit dated July
1, 1986.
- Persinger,
Michael A, Norman J. Carrey and Lynn A. Suess. TM and Cult Mania (198 pages). North Quincy,
Massachusetts: Christopher Publishing House, 1980.
- Persinger, Michael A.
Enhanced incidence of 'the sensed presence' in people who have learned to meditate; support for
the right hemispheric intrusion hypothesis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1992, 75, pp1308-1310.
- Persinger, Michael A.
Transcendental meditation and general meditation were associated with enhanced complex partial
epileptic-like signs: evidence for 'cognitive' kindling? Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1992.
- Pollack, A.A., D.B. Case, M.A. Weber and J.H. Laragh. Limitations of
transcendental meditation in the treatment of essential hypertension. Lancet 1(8002):71-3,
January 8, 1977.
- Roark, Dennis
E. Letter to Pat Ryan confirming a telephone conversation (2 pages), dated July 11, 1987. Warner
Pacific College, Oregon.
- Royer-Bounouar, P. A. The Transcendental Meditation Technique: a New
Direction for Smoking Cessation Programs. Ph.D. thesis: D, MIU, 1989, T735,494, in the MIU
- Singer, Margaret T. and Richard Ofshe. Thought reform programs and the
production of psychiatric casualties. Psychatric Annals, April 1990, p188.
- Skolnick,
Andrew A. Maharishi Ayur-Veda: guru's marketing scheme promises the world eternal 'perfect
health.' Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), October 2, 1991, Vol. 266, No. 13,
- Smith Jonathan C. Psychotherapeutic effects of transcendental meditation
with controls for expectation of relief and daily sitting, Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 1976, pp630-637.
- Stanford Research Institute. Adverse effects of transcendental
- See Leon Otis above.
- Teb-ecis, A.K. A controlled study of the EEG during transcendental
meditation: comparison with hypnosis. Folia Psychiatr Neruol, Japan 29(4):305-13, 1975.
- Trumpy, Franklin D. An investigation of the reported effect of
transcendental meditation on the weather. Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 8, No. 2, Winter 1983-84,
- Woolfolk, R.L. Psychophysiological correlates of meditation. Arch.
Gen. Psychiatry, 32(10): pp1326-1333.
- Younger, J. W. Adriance and R.J. Berger. Sleep during transcendental
meditation. Perceptual Motor Skills, 40(3), June 1975, pp953-954.
Please send additional references or clarifications to