Curriculum Vitae
Prepared: June, 2007

PART I: General Information

Herbert Benson

Office Address:
Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General
824 Boylston Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Home Address:
1160 Beacon Street
Brookline, MA 02446
Telephone: 617.732.9770
Facsimile: 617.732.9111 fax


Archived Materials at Countway Library:

Place of Birth:
Yonkers, New York

1957 |
B.A. Wesleyan University |
1961 |
M.D. Harvard Medical School |
1997 |
D.H.L. (hon.), Becker College |
2000 |
D.P.S. (hon.), Cedar Crest College |
2002 |
D.H.L. (hon.), Lasell College |
2007 |
D.H.L. (hon.), Massachusetts School of Professional
Psychology |

Postdoctoral Training | Internships and Residencies:
1961-1962 |
Straight Medical Intern, Medicine, King County
Hospital, Seattle |
1962-1963 |
Assistant Resident in Medicine, University Hospital,
University of Washington, Seattle |

Clinical and Research Fellowships:
1963-1965 |
Surgeon, National Heart Institute, Bethesda (United
States Public Health Service) |
1964-1965 |
Research Assistant, Department of Medicine,
University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico |
1965-1967 |
Research Fellow in Medicine, Harvard Medical School,
Research and Clinical Fellow in Medicine, Thorndike Memorial
Laboratory, Boston City Hospital |
1967-1968 |
Research Fellow in Physiology, Harvard Medical
School |

Licensure and Certification:
1965 |
Board of Registration in Medicine, Massachusetts |

Academic Appointments:
1969 |
Instructor in Physiology, Harvard Medical School |
1969 |
Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School |
1970-1972 |
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical
School |
1972-1977 |
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical
School |
1977-1987 |
Associate Professor of Medicine at the Beth Israel
Hospital, Harvard Medical School |
1987-1992 |
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical
School |
1992- |
Mind/Body Medical Institute Associate Professor of
Medicine, Harvard Medical School |

Hospital or Affiliated Institution Appointments:
1967-1971 |
Assistant Visiting Physician, II and IV Medical
Service (Harvard), Boston City Hospital |
1969-1974 |
Research Associate, Thorndike Memorial Laboratory,
Boston City Hospital |
1971-1974 |
Associate Visiting Physician, Harvard Medical Unit,
Boston City Hospital |
1974- |
Associate Physician, Beth Israel Hospital |
1986-1990 |
Active Provisional Staff, New England Deaconess
Hospital |
1990- |
Active Staff, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |
2006- |
Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital |
2007- |
Associate Member, Medical Staff, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology Medical Department |

Other Professional Positions and Major Visiting Appointments:
1967-1969 |
Medical Foundation Fellow |
1969-1977 |
Consultant in Cardiology, Cambridge City Hospital |
1988 |
President, Mind/Body Medical Institute |
1990-1997 |
Lecturer in Medicine and Religion, Andover Newton
Theological School, Newton Centre |
2006- |
Director Emeritus, Benson-Henry Institute for Mind
Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital |

Hospital and Health Care Organization Service Responsibilities:
1969-1974 |
Member, Hypertension Clinic, Boston City Hospital |
1974-1979 |
Attending Physician, Division of Cardiology, Beth
Israel Hospital |
1975-1978 |
Attending Physician, Department of Medicine, Beth
Israel Hospital |

Major Administrative Responsibilities:
1970-1972 |
Assistant Program Director, General Clinical
Research Center, Harvard Medical Unit, Boston City Hospital |
1972-1978 |
Program Director, General Clinical Research Center,
1972-1974 at the Harvard Medical Unit, Boston City Hospital and
1974-1978 at the Beth Israel Hospital |
1974-1987 |
Director, Hypertension Section, Beth Israel Hospital |
1977-1978 |
Director, Behavioral Medicine Section, Beth Israel
Hospital |
1978-1987 |
Director, Division of Behavioral Medicine, Beth
Israel Hospital |
1983-1987 |
Co-Director, Brigham-Beth Israel Hospitals
Hypertension Center |
1987-1990 |
Chief, Section on Behavioral Medicine, New England
Deaconess Hospital |
1988-2002 |
President, Mind Body Medical Institute, (NEDH Corp;
Pathway), CareGroup |
1990-2002 |
Chief, Division of Behavioral Medicine, New England
Deaconess Hospital |
2002-2006 |
President, Mind/Body Medical Institute |

Major Committee Assignments:
Harvard Medical School:
1960-1961 |
Boylston Medical Society |
1974-1975 |
President, Boylston Medical Society |
1969-1974 |
Tutor in Medical Sciences |
1969-1977 |
Advisor to Members of the Harvard Classes of
1971-1977 and Subcommittee on Electives and Tutorial |
1970-1975 |
Financial Aid for Medical Students Committee |
1970-1980 |
Internship Advisor |
1974-1977 |
Committee on Medical Research |
1974-1977 |
Founding Chairman, Committee on Human Studies |
1978-1988 |
Laurence B. Ellis Lecture Committee |
1978-1980 |
Walter Bradford Cannon Student-Faculty Society |
1979-1985 |
Chairman, Committee on Medical Research |
1980 |
Committee on Continuing Education in the Medical
School |
1985-1988 |
Faculty Council |
1987-1989 |
Subcommittee on Courses and Credits |

Affiliated Institutions:
1972-1974 |
Founding Chairman, Committee on Human Studies of the
Harvard-Affiliated Services, Boston City Hospital |
1972-1974 |
Human Studies Committee, Boston City Hospital |
1973-1988 |
Committee on Clinical Investigation, Beth Israel
Hospital |
1975-1977 |
Personnel Committee, Beth Israel Hospital |
1990-1991 |
Institutional Review Board, New England Deaconess
Hospital |

National and Regional
1972 |
Consultant, National Institutes of Mental Health |
1973 |
Expert Consultant, Special Action Office for Drug
Abuse Prevention, Executive Office of the President, Washington,
D.C. |
1977-1979 |
Behavioral Medicine Study Section, National Heart,
Blood and Lung Institute, National Institutes of Health |
1977-1978 |
Chairperson, Steering Committee, Boston Health
Promotion Council |
1978-1980 |
Chairman, Committee on Community Health and
Education, The Medical Foundation |
1978-1997 |
Board of Directors, The Medical Foundation |
1981-1982 |
Advisory Group, The MacArthur Foundation |
1981 |
Chairman, Behavioral Medicine Special Study Section,
National Institutes of Health |
1984-1990 |
Advisory Board, American Health Magazine |
1985-1988 |
Board of Advisors, United States Committee, United
Nations Lumbini Project |
1986-1988 |
Board of Directors, Society for Tibetan Medicine |
1987-1988 |
Board of Editors, Healthy People |
1988-1990 |
Health Advisory Board, Kelly Communications |
1991-2003 |
Board of Advisors, Center for Humility Theology,
John Templeton Foundation |
1993 |
Chairperson, Alternative Medicine Study Section,
National Institutes of Health |
1994 |
Alternative Medicine Study Section, National
Institutes of Health |

Professional Societies:
1956 |
Sigma Xi |
1963-1965 |
American Medical Association |
1965 |
Massachusetts Medical Society |
1968 |
American Association for the Advancement of Science |
1969 |
American Federation for Clinical Research |
1969 |
Massachusetts Heart Association |
1969 |
American Heart Association |
1970-1972 |
American Physiological Society |
1972-1975 |
Board of Directors, Greater Boston Chapter,
Massachusetts Heart Association |
1974-1976 |
American Psychosomatic Society |
1975-1996 |
American College of Cardiology |
1976 |
Medical Advisory Board of the Council for High Blood
Pressure Research, American Heart Association |
1978-1982 |
Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research |
1978- |
Society of Behavioral Medicine, President, 1985-1986 |

Community Service Related to Professional Work
1978-1997 |
The Medical Foundation (1997) Honorary Director |

Editorial Boards:
1974-1991 |
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics |
1974-1985 |
Journal of Biofeedback and Self Regulation |
1974-1993 |
Behavioral Medicine (formerly Journal of Human
Stress), Executive Editor (1981-1993) |
1977-1988 |
Associate Editor, Journal of Behavioral Medicine |
1980-1982 |
Chairman, Editorial Board, Massachusetts Journal of
Community Health |
1983-1993 |
Journal of Psychiatric Research |
1993-1997 |
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Mind/Body Medicine |

Awards and Honors:
1958-1959 |
President, Harvard Medical School Class of 1961 |
1961 |
Mosby Scholarship Award, Harvard Medical School |
1961 |
Permanent Vice-President, Harvard Medical School
Class of 1961 |
1967-1969 |
Medical Foundation Fellow |
1974-1975 |
President, Boylston Medical Society |
1976 |
Fellow, American College of Cardiology |
1976 |
Medical Self-Care Award for 1976 |
1985-1986 |
President, Society of Behavioral Medicine |
1985 |
Visiting Professor, Shanghai College of Traditional
Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, People's Republic of China |
1986- |
Fellow, Society of Behavioral Medicine |
1986- |
Wiegand Inaugural Lecturer, 1986, University of
Toronto |
1988 |
Honorary President, Chinese Society of Behavioral
Medicine and Biofeedback |
1988- |
President, Benson-Henry Institute |
1990 |
Joseph Garland Memorial Lecturer, The Boston Medical
Library |
1990 |
Special Invited Lecturer, Japanese Society of
Autogenic Training, Tokyo, Japan |
1992 |
Bowles Chapel Lecturer, Memorial Healthcare System,
Houston, Texas |
1992- |
Benson-Henry Institute Associate Professor of
Medicine, Harvard Medical School |
1992 |
Herbert Benson Professorship in the Department of
Medicine, Harvard Medical School (to be activated upon retirement of
Herbert Benson) |
1992 |
Distinguished Alumnus Award, Wesleyan University |
1992 |
William James Lecture of Religious Experience
Lecturer, Harvard Divinity School |
1994 |
Master Lecturer, Society of Behavioral Medicine |
1995 |
Greenville Hospital System, Distinguished Lecturer,
Greenville, South Carolina |
1997 |
Honorary Director, The Medical Foundation |
1997 |
Honorary Doctorate of Human Letters, Becker College,
Worcester, Massachusetts |
1997 |
Irving M. Rosen Memorial Lecturer, Butler Hospital,
Providence, Rhode Island |
1998 |
Norman Vincent Peale Lectureship, Penn State
Geisenger Health System, Hershey, Pennsylvania |
1999 |
Distinguished Lecturer, American Psychological
Association |
1999 |
Zacharias Lecture, Bon Secours St. Mary's Hospital,
Richmond, Virginia |
2000 |
Hans Seyle Award |
2002 |
Bouve Lecturer, Northeastern University |
2002 |
Presidential Citation, American Psychological
Association |
2002 |
National Samaritan Award, The Samaritan Institute |
2004 |
AOA Lecture, Case Western Reserve University |
2004 |
AOA Lecture, University of Minnesota |
2005 |
Cascieri Lectureship in the Humanities, Boston
Architectural Center |
2006 |
First Visiting Professor in Integrative Medicine,
Weill Medical College of Cornell University |
2006 |
Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at
Massachusetts General Hospital was founded |

PART II: Research, Teaching and Clinical Contributions
A. Narrative report:
Dr. Benson is the Mind/Body Medical Institute Associate Professor of
Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and the founding President of the
Mind/Body Medical Institute. A graduate of Wesleyan University and the
Harvard Medical School, he is the author or co-author of over 175
scientific publications and 11 books: The Relaxation Response,
1975; The Mind/Body Effect, 1979; Beyond the Relaxation
Response, 1984; Your Maximum Mind, 1987; The Wellness Book,
1992; and Timeless Healing: The Power and Biology of Belief,
1996, The Relaxation Response – Updated and Expanded (25th
Anniversary Edition), 2000; The Breakout Principle (co-authored
with William Proctor), 2003; Mind Over Menopause(co-authored with
Leslee Kagan), 2004, Mind Your Heart (co-authored with Aggie
Casey), 2004 and The Harvard Medical School Guide to Lowering
Your Blood Pressure (co-authored with Aggie Casey), 2006. More than
four million copies of Dr. Benson's books have been printed.

Dr. Benson is widely acknowledged as a pioneer in the fields of
behavioral medicine and mind/body studies, as well as in spirituality
and healing in medicine. His career has been one of leadership in
teaching, clinical activities, administration and research. His research
defined the relaxation response, the physiological counterpart of the
fight or flight response. He continues to lead research into its basic
physiology and efficacy of the relaxation response in counteracting the
harmful effects of stress. The recipient of national and international
awards, he lectures widely and delivers scores of presentations yearly.
Dr. Benson's research extends from the laboratory to the clinic and to
Asian field expeditions. His work serves as a bridge between medicine
and spirituality, East and West, mind and body, as well as between
belief and science.

Through his testimonies before the U.S. House and Senate, Dr. Benson has
been instrumental in having scores of millions of dollars appropriated
to the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention for mind/body, behavioral medicine research.

In 1988, Dr. Benson became founding president of the Mind/Body Medical
Institute and remained in that position until 2006 when the Mind/Body
Medical Institute ceased to exist. At that time, the Benson-Henry
Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital was
founded and he became its Director, Emeritus.

Harvard University has honored his many contributions by the
establishment of the Herbert Benson Professorship in Medicine, which
will be activated upon his retirement.

B. Funding Information
(Funding from individuals and organizations of less than $25,000 are not
1972-1974 |
PI |
Behavioral Approach to Clinical Hypertension |
1974-1978 |
PI |
Therapy of Anxiety: A New Psychophysiologic Approach |
1978-1988 |
NIH/5T Associate Program Director |
Cardiovascular Research Training Program:
Multidisciplinary, Behavioral, Cardiomyopathies |
1978-1991 |
PI |
Cardiovascular Behavior and the Relaxation Response |
1980-1981 |
National Science Foundation |
PI |
American Institute of Indian Studies |
g Tum-mo Yoga Investigations |
1980-1989 |
The John E. Fetzer Foundation |
PI |
Investigation of Tibetan Meditation and Traditional
Chinese Medicine and General Research Support |
1982 |
National Science Foundation |
PI |
American Institute of Indian Studies |
g Tum-mo Yoga Investigations |
1985-1987 |
Joan B. Kroc Foundation |
PI |
Behavioral Intervention in Cancer Patients |
1985-1987 |
Advanced Medical Research Foundation |
PI |
Cancer and Behavioral Interventions |
1985-1987 |
The Ruth Mott Fund |
PI |
Integration of Effective Self-Help Technologies with
Those of Modern Medicine |
1986 |
Yolande Jurzykowski |
PI |
Neurochemical and Neurophysiologic
Changes Associated with Meditation |
1987-1992 |
Laurance S. Rockefeller |
PI |
The Effects of the Relaxation Response and Spiritual
Experiences on Health |
1987-1988 |
National Science Foundation |
PI |
American Institute of Indian Studies |
g Tum-mo Yoga Investigations |
1988-1990 |
Adolf Coors Foundation |
PI |
General Research Support |
1988-1990 |
A. Joshua Sherman and George S. Warberg |
PI |
General Research Fellow Support |
1990-1992 |
Wood-Rill Foundation |
CoPI |
The Effects of Moderate and Low Intensity Exercise
and Exercise Plus the Relaxation Response on the Health Status of
Adults |
1991-1993 |
The Nathan Cummings Foundation |
PI |
Model Relaxation Response Health Curriculum for
Troubled and Healthy Adolescents |
1992-1993 |
Ester A. and Joseph Klingenstein Fund |
PI |
The Use of Relaxation Response-based Interventions
in the Treatment of Epilepsy |
1992-1994 |
Fetzer Institute |
PI |
A New National Health Curriculum for High Schools to
Alleviate the Harmful Effects of Stress |
1990-1996 |
Advanced Medical Research Foundation |
PI |
Preoperative Relaxation Response Training in Open
Heart Surgery Patients |
1993-1995 |
David Kriser |
PI |
Relaxation Response for Stress in High School
Students and Their Teachers |
1994-1998 |
The California Wellness Foundation |
PI |
An Innovative Program to Decrease School Violence |
1994-1998 |
Amelior Foundation |
PI |
An Innovative Program to Decrease School Violence |
1994 |
Castle Rock Foundation |
CoPI |
Development of the Center for Training in Mind/Body
Medicine |
1994 |
William K. Coors |
CoPI |
Development of the Center for Training in Mind/Body
Medicine |
1994-1998 |
Sam Wyly Fund of the Communities Foundation of
Texas, Inc. |
PI |
Gallop Survey of Health Habits |
1994-1998 |
Charles J. Wyly Fund of the Communities Foundation
of Texas, Inc. |
PI |
Gallop Survey of Health Habits |
1995-1998 |
Laurance C. Rockefeller |
CoPI |
Development of the Center for Training in Mind/Body
Medicine |
1995-2000 |
State Street Foundation
An Innovative Program to Decrease School Violence |
CoPI |
1995-2000 |
Fetzer Institute
Dynamics of Meditation |
CoPI |
1999-2000 |
Evaluation of a New Experience Protocol:Initial Studies of
Cardiovascular and Immune System Function |
CoPI |
1995-2003 |
The Procter & Gamble Company |
PI |
Unrestricted Research |
1996-2006 |
John Templeton Foundation |
PI |
The Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer: A
Replication and Expansion Study |
2000-2004 |
Kalpa Foundation |
PI |
Mind/Body Studies of Tibetan Buddhism |

C. Report of Current Research Activities
2000- |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Mechanisms and Therapeutic Effects of the Relaxation Response |
PI |
2004- |
Advanced Medical Research Foundation
Complimentary Medicine Therapies in Prostate Cancer
Patients Receiving Hormonal, Chemotherapy and Radiation
Interventions |
CoPI |
2006- |
Soto Buddhist Order in Japan
Physiologic changes during the practice of Soto Buddhist meditation |
CoPI |

D. Report of Teaching (Summary of 35+ years)
1. Local contributions
Harvard Medical School
1966-1973 |
Physiology and Pathophysiology of the Circulation
Conference Leader (years 1-8)
Lecturer (years 1-8)
20 Medical Students (conferences)
Entire First Year Class (lectures) |
1974-1991 |
Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Course
Lecturer (years 1-17)
Entire Second Year Class |
1978-1982 |
Behavioral Medicine Elective Course
Lecturer (years 1-4)
Approximately 10 medical students |
1979- |
Behavioral Medicine-Clinical Training in Mind/Body
Medicine Post Graduate Course
Lecturer (years 1-)
25-60 Post graduate health professionals (held three times
yearly for the last seven years) |
1995- |
Spirituality and Healing in Medicine Post Graduate
Lecturer (years 1-)
400-1050 Post graduate health professionals (held two times yearly) |
1999- |
Spirituality and Healing in Medicine Elective Course
Approximately 10 medical students |
2004- |
Mind Body Medicine Course Lecturer
Approximately 20 medical students |

Leadership Roles
1974- |
The following courses led by Dr. Benson have
consistently achieved some of the highest ratings at Harvard Medical
School. |
1974-1988 |
Chairman of the Cardiovascular Pathophysiology
Course |
1989-1991 |
Co-Chairman of the Cardiovascular Pathophysiology
Course |
1978-1982 |
Founder and Chairman of the Behavioral Medicine
Elective Course |
1979 |
Founder and Director of the Behavioral
Medicine-Clinical Training in Mind/Body Medicine Post Graduate
Course |
1995-1998 |
Founder and Director of the Spirituality and Healing
in Medicine Post Graduate Course |
1999- |
Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Spirituality and
Healing in Medicine Course |
2000 |
Co-Founder and Participant in Skills Training for
Mind/Body Change Post Graduate Course |
2001-2002 |
Founder and Co-Director of Science and Mind/Body
Medicine Post Graduate Course |
2004 |
Co-Founder and Director of Mind Body Medicine Course |

2. Regional, national, and international contributions
Invited Presentations (Summary 1980-present)
1980- |
More than 50 yearly invited presentations including
grand rounds, panel contributions, professional society meetings and
keynote addresses to professional and lay audiences. These total
more than 1,000 presentations and are thus too numerous to list
individually for this document. |

E. Report of Clinical Activities
1970 - |
A major clinical contribution of Dr. Benson is that
he is one of the world's founders of the fields of Behavioral
Medicine and Mind/Body Medicine. Dr. Benson conducts an outpatient
referral practice for patients suffering from stress-related
clinical conditions. He has done so at the Boston City Hospital, the
Beth Israel Hospital, Deaconess Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center and Massachusetts General Hospital. He is also
responsible for the mind/body medicine programs at the Mind/Body
Medical Institute that have over 7000 patient visits per year. As
founder of the Divisions of Behavioral Medicine at each of the above
hospitals and later founding President of the Mind/Body Medical
Institute, Dr. Benson and his colleagues have trained thousands of
health care professionals in mind/body clinical approaches. When the
Mind/Body Medical Institute ceased to exist, Dr. Benson continued
his clinical activities under the aegis of the Division of
Cardiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital. |

PART III: Bibliography
Original Articles

- Costas R Jr, Garcia-Palmieri MR, Feliberti M, Benson H,
Blanton JH, Aixala R. Accuracy of death certification in metropolitan
San Juan. Bol Assoc Med Puerto Rico 1964;56:411-23.
- Garcia-Palmieri MR, Feliberti M, Costas R Jr, Benson H,
Blanton JH, Aixala R. Coronary heart disease mortality: A death
certificate study. J Chronic Dis 1965;18:1317-23.
- Blanton JH, Rodriquez M, Costas R Jr, Benson H, Aixala R,
Garcia-Palmieri MR. A dietary study of urban and rural males in Puerto
Rico. Am J Clin Nutr 1966;18:169-75.
- Benson H, Costas R Jr, Garcia-Palmieri MR, Feliberti M,
Aixala R, Blanton JH, Colon AA. Coronary heart disease risk factors: A
comparison of two Puerto Rican populations. Am J Public Health
- Truett JT, Benson H, Balke B. On the practicability of
submaximal exercise testing. J Chronic Dis 1966;19:711-5.
- Skinner JS, Benson H, McDonough JR, Hames CG. Social
status, physical activity and coronary proneness. J Chronic Dis
- Benson H, Ellis LB, Harken DE. The effect of preoperative
systemic blood pressure on closed mitral valvuloplasty. A study of
1,630 patients with up to 15-year follow-up. Am Heart J
- Ellis LB, Benson H, Harken DE. The effect of age and other
factors on the early and late results following closed mitral
valvuloplasty. (A study of 1,817 patients). Am Heart J 1968;75:743-51.
- Benson H, Herd JA, Morse WH, Kelleher RT. The behavioral
induction of arterial hypertension and its reversal. Am J Physiol
- Benson H, Akbarian M, Adler LN, Agelmann WH. Hemodynamic
effects of pneumonia. I. Normal and hypodynamic responses. J Clin
Invest 1970;49:791-8.
- Kumar R, Wallace WA, Ramirez A, Benson H, Abelmann WH.
Hemodynamic effects of pneumonia. II. Expansion of plasma volume. J
Clin Invest 1970;49:799-805.
- Benson H, Herd JA, Morse WH, Kelleher, RT. Hypotensive
effects of chlordiazepoxide, amobarbital, and chlorpromazine on
behaviorally induced elevated blood pressure in the squirrel monkey. J
Pharmacol Exp Ther 1970;173:399-406.
- Benson H, Herd JA, Morse WH, Kelleher RT. Behaviorally
induced hypertension in the squirrel monkey. Circ Res Suppl 1970;I
- Benson H, Shapiro D, Tursky B, Schwartz GE. Decreased
systolic blood pressure through operant conditioning techniques in
patients with essential hypertension. Science 1971;173:
- Wallace RK, Benson H, Wilson AF. A wakeful hypometabolic
physiologic state. Am J Physiol 1971;221:795-9.
- Benson H, Malvea BP, Graham JR. Physiologic correlates of
meditation and their clinical effects in headache: An ongoing
investigation. Headache 1973;13:23-24.
- Benson H, Beary JF, Carol MP. The relaxation response.
Psychiatry 1974;37:37-46.
- Benson H. Decreased alcohol intake associated with the
practice of meditation: A retrospective investigation. Ann N Y Acad
Sci 1974;233:174-7.
- Benson H, Rosner BA, Marzetta BR, Klemchuk HM. Decreased
blood pressure in pharmacologically treated hypertensive patients who
regularly elicited the relaxation response. Lancet 1974;i:289-91.
- Beary JF, Benson H. A simple psychophysiologic technique
which elicits the hypometabolic changes of the relaxation response.
Psychosom Med 1974;36:115-20.
- Benson H, Klemchuk HP, Graham JR. The usefulness of the
relaxation response in the therapy of headache. Headache
- Benson H, Rosner BA, Marzetta BR, Klemchuk H. Decreased
blood pressure in borderline hypertensive subjects who practiced
meditation. J Chronic Dis 1974;27:163-9.
- Benson H, Steinert RF, Greenwood MM, Klemchuk HM, Peterson
NH. Continuous measurement of O2 consumption and CO2 elimination
during a wakeful hypometabolic state. J Human Stress 1975;1:37-44.
- Benson H, Epstein MD. The placebo effect--a neglected asset
in the care of patients. JAMA 1975;232:1225-7.
- Benson H, Alexander S, Feldman CL. Decreased premature
ventricular contractions through the use of the relaxation response in
patients with stable ischemic heart disease. Lancet 1975;ii:380-2.
- Benson H, Greenwood MM, Klemchuk H. The relaxation
response: Psychophysiologic aspects and clinical applications.
Psychiatry Med 1975;6:87-98.
- Greenwood MM, Benson H. The efficacy of progressive
relaxation in systematic desensitization and a proposal for an
alternative competitive response - the relaxation response. Behav Res
Ther 1977;15:337-43.
- Peters RK, Benson H, Porter D. Daily relaxation response
breaks in a working population: 1. Health, performance and well-being.
Am J Public Health 1977;67:946-53.
- Peters RK, Benson H, Peters JM. Daily relaxation response
breaks in a working population: 2. Blood pressure. Am J Public Health
- Benson H, Greenwood MM. Metabolic changes during the
prodrome of a migraine headache. Headache. 1978; 17:248-9.
- Benson H, Dryer T, Hartley LH. Decreased oxygen consumption
during exercise with elicitation of the relaxation response. J Human
Stress 1978;4:38-42.
- Benson H, Frankel FH, Apfel R, Daniels MD, Schniewind HE,
Nemiah JC, Sifneos PE, Crassweller KD, Greenwood MM, Kotch JB, Arns
PA, Rosner B. Treatment of anxiety: A comparison of the usefulness of
self-hypnosis and a meditational relaxation technique. Psychother
Psychosom 1978;30:229-42.
- Frankel FH, Apfel RJ, Kelly SF, Benson H, Quint T, Newmark
J, Malmaud R. The use of hypnotizability scales in the clinic: A
review after six years. Int J Clin Exp Hypn 1979;37:63-73.
- Benson H, McCallie DP Jr. Angina pectoris and the placebo
effect. N Engl J Med 1979;300:1424-9.
- Carrington P, Collings GH Jr, Benson H, Robinson H, Wood LW,
Lehrer PM, Woolfolk RL, Cole JW. The use of meditation-relaxation
techniques for the management of stress in a working population. J
Occup Med 1980;22:22-31.
- Borysenko M, Turesky S, Borysenko JZ, Quimby F, Benson H.
Stress and dental caries in the rat. J Behav Med 1980;3:233-43.
- Bear D, Schenk L, Benson H. Increased autonomic response to
neural and emotional stimuli in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.
Am J Psychiatry 1981;138:843-5.
- Benson H, Arns PA, Hoffman JW. The relaxation response and
hypnosis. Int J Clin Exp Hypn 1981;29:259-70.
- Hoffman JW, Benson H, Arns PA, Stainbrook GL, Landsberg L,
Young JB, Gill A. Reduced sympathetic nervous system responsivity
associated with the relaxation response. Science 1982;215:190-2.
- Benson H, Lehmann JW, Malhotra MS, Goldman RF, Hopkins J,
Epstein MD. Body temperature changes during the practice of g tum-mo
(heat) yoga. Nature 1982;295:234-6.
- Benson H. Body temperature changes during the practice of g
Tum-mo yoga. (Matters Arising) Nature 1982;298:402.
- Crary B, Borysenko M, Sutherland DC, Kutz I, Borysenko JZ,
Benson H. Decrease in mitogen responsiveness of mononuclear cells
from peripheral blood following epinephrine administration in humans.
J Immun 1983;130:694-7.
- Jemmott JB, Borysenko JZ, Borysenko M, McClelland DC, Chapman R,
Meyer D, Benson H. Academic stress, power motivation, and
decrease in salivary secretory immunoglobulin A secretion rate. Lancet
- Crary B, Hauser SL, Borysenko M, Kutz I, Hoban C, Weiner HL,
Benson H. Epinephrine-induced changes in the distribution of
lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood of humans. J Immunol
- Kutz I, Borysenko JZ, Benson H. Meditation and
psychotherapy: A rationale for the integration of dynamic
psychotherapy, the relaxation response and mindfulness meditation. Am
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Reviews, Chapters, and Editorials
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Medicine 1969;281:1133 (letter to the editor).
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and hemodynamic responses to phosphate and calcitonin in Paget's
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- Benson H. How antihypertensive drugs act: A physiologic
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management. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1973:119-23.
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management. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1973:119-23.
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- Benson H. Your innate asset for combating stress. Harvard
Business Review 1974;52:49-60.
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to systemic arterial hypertension. In: Eliot RS, ed. Contemporary
problems in cardiology, vol. I. Stress and the heart. Mt. Kisco, New
York: Futura, 1974:13-31.
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associated with the regular elicitation of the relaxation response: a
study of hypertensive subjects. In: Eliot RS, ed. Contemporary
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York: Futura, 1974:293-302.
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approach to cardiovascular self-control. In: Eliot RS, ed.
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Kisco, New York: Futura, 1974:279-92.
- Benson H. The relaxation response and cardiovascular
diseases. Chest, Heart, Stroke J 1976;1:28-31.
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blood pressure by the central nervous system. New York: Grune and
Stratton, 1976:119-28.
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diseases. J S C Med Assoc 1976;72:50-6.
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discussion. J Human Stress 1977;3:4-11.
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Sci 1977;65:441-5.
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eds. Hypertension: Mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment. Philadelphia:
Davis, 1978:113-24.
- Peters RK, Benson H. Time out from tension. Harvard
Business Review 1978;56:120-4.
- Benson H. Behavioral Medicine: A perspective from within
the field of medicine. National Forum 1980;60:3-5.
- Benson H. The placebo effect. Harvard Med School Health
Letter 1980;5:3-4.
- Benson H, Allen RL. How much stress is too much? Harvard
Business Review 1980;58:86-92.
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response to antiemetic treatment in cancer patients. N Engl J Med
1980;303:1480 (letter to the editor).
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- Benson H. The relaxation response: Its subjective and
objective historical precedents and physiology. TINS 1983;6:281-4.
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- Benson H, Caudill MA. The use of relaxation techniques in
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McGraw-Hill, 1993:437-44.
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Behavioral-medicine and psychiatry: Difference and areas of
collaboration. Directions Psychiatry 1994: 14: 1-8.
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psychology and treatment. New York: Chapman Hall, 1994: 253-63.
- Benson H, Friedman R. Alternative to mainstream medicine:
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- Benson H, Friedman R. The three legged stool: Mind/Body
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physiological effects and medical applications. In: Haruki Y. ed.
Comparative and psychological studies on meditation. Tokyo: Waseda
University Press, 1996: 205-11.
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Medicine, Complementary Medicine and Integrated Care: Economic
Implications. In: Randall J, Lazar J, ed. Primary Care. Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders, 1997: 949-62.
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Health. San Diego: Academic Press, 1998: 621-8.
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New York: Rosen Publishing Group, 1999:322-4.
- Benson H, Myers P. The importance of the placebo effect in
alternative therapies. The Forum, 1999; 19:7-8.
- Benson, H. The relaxation response. Physiology, history and
clinical applications. In: Adelman G, Smith BH, eds. Encyclopedia of
neuroscience. 2nd edition Boston:Elsevier, 1776-8.
- Benson H, Myers P. Medical aspects of belief. In: Stannard,
R. ed. God for the 21st century. Radnor, Pennsylvania: Templeton
Foundation Press, 2000.
- Benson H, Myers P. Mind/body medicine and spirituality. In:
Hermann, R. ed., Ten scientists consider humility theology, 2000.
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DB, Collins TR, Benson. H. Religion, spirituality, and medicine: A
rebuttal to skeptics. Int J Psychiatry Med, 1999; 29:123-31.
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- Stefano GB, Fricchione GL, Slingsby BT, Benson H. The
placebo effect and the relaxation response: neural processes and their
coupling to constitutive nitric oxide. Brain Res Rev 2001; 35:1-19.
- Esch T, Stefano GB, Fricchione GL, Benson H. Stress in
cardiovascular diseases. Med Sci Monit, 2002; 8:RA 93-101.
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diseases-a potential role for nitric oxide. Med Sci Monit 2002, 8:RA
- Esch T, Stefano GB, Fricchione GL, Benson H. The role of
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nitric oxide and a possible association with the relaxation response.
Med Sci Monit 2003; 9:RA63-75.
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2005; 83:53-8.
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Publications, 2006 (in press).

Books, Monographs, and Text Books

1. Benson H. The relaxation response. New York: Morrow,
1a. ibid, London: Collins, 1976.
1b. ibid, New York: Avon, 1976.
1c. ibid, (Mietiskellen mielenrauhaan) Helsinki: Werner Soderstrom
Osakeyhtio, 1976.
1d. ibid, Boston: Hall, 1976.
1e. ibid, (Reagir par la detente) Paris: Tchou, 1976.
1f. ibid, (La risposta rilassante) Milan: Rizzoli Editore, 1977.
1g. ibid, Tokyo: Kodan Sha, 1977.
1h. ibid, (Relajacion) Barcelona: Editorial Pomaire, 1977.
1i. ibid, (Afspaending meditation og blodtryk) Copenhagen: Bergens
Forlag, 1977.
1j. ibid, (Aprendendo a relaxar) Rio de Janeiro: Editora Artenova,
1k. ibid, (Bewust ontspannen) Amsterdam: H J W Becht's
Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1978.
1l. ibid, (Arslappning) Varnamo: Brombers Bokforlag, 1980.
1m. ibid, Seoul, Dongdowan (in press)
2. Benson H. The mind/body effect. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1979.
2a. ibid, (El effecto mente/cuerpo) Barcelona-Buenos Aires-Mexico:
Grijalbo, 1980.
2b. ibid, New York: Berkley, 1980.
2c. ibid, (Medicina Humanista) Sao Paulo: Editora Brasiliense, 1980.
3. Benson H. Beyond the relaxation response. New York: Times
Books, 1984.
3a. ibid, London: Collins-Fount, 1985.
3b. ibid, New York: Berkley, 1985.
3c. ibid, Barcelona: Grijalbo Ediciones, 1986.
3d. ibid, Seoul: Hakjisa, 2003
4 Benson H. Your maximum mind. New York: Times Books/Random
House, 1987.
4a. ibid, London: Thorson's, 1988.
4b. ibid, New York: Avon, 1989.
4c. ibid, (El poder de la mente) Barcelona: Grijalbo Ediciones, 1989.
5. Benson H, Stuart E, Staff of the Benson-Henry Institute.
The wellness book. New York: Carol, 1992.
5a. ibid, New York: Fireside, 1993.
5b. ibid, Wien: Donauland, 1998.
6. Benson H. Timeless Healing: The Power and biology of
belief. New York: Scribner, 1996.
6a. ibid, Rydalmere (Australia): Hodder & Stoughton, 1996.
6b. ibid, London: Simon & Schuster, 1996.
6c. ibid, Rockland: Wheeler, 1996.
6d. ibid, (Geloof in uw eigen geneeskracht de medische werking van
geest en spiritualiteit) Utrecht: Kosmos, 1996.
6e. ibid, (Curados por la Fe. Revelador Estudio Sobre el Poder
Curativo de las Creencias) Bogota: Grupo Editorial Norma , 1996.
6f. ibid, (Siempre Sano. La Biolog’a y la Fuerza de las Creencias)
Barcelona: Grijalbo, 1996.
6g. ibid, New York: Fireside, 1996.
6h. ibid, (Credere Per Poter Guarire) Milan: Sperling & Kupfer, 1997.
6i. ibid, Munich: (Heilung Durch Glauben. Die Beweise. Selbstheilung
In Der Neuen Medizin) Heyne Verlag, 1997.
6j. ibid, Tokyo: Shoeisha, 1997.
6k. ibid, (Moc A B’ologie V’ry V Uzdraven’) Prague: Sofa, 1997.
6l. ibid, London: Pocket Books, 1998.
6m. ibid, (Medicina Espiritual. O Poder Essencial da Cura) Rio de
Janeiro: Editorial Campas, 1998.
6n. ibid, Tapei: Successmart, 1998.
6o. ibid, Bratislava: Sofa, 1998.
6p. ibid, Seoul: Miresa, 1998.
6q. ibid, Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara, 1998.
7. Benson H. The relaxation response updated and expanded
(25th the anniversary edition) New York: Avon, 2000.
7a. ibid, (Reakcija Opustanja) Zagreb: Algoritam, 2001
7b ibid, Moscow: Astrel, (In Press)
8. Benson H, Proctor W. The breakout principle. New York:
Scribner, 2003.
8a. ibid, Moscow: Eksmo, 2004
8b. ibid, Tokyo: PHP, 2004.
8c. ibid, Indonesia: Kifa, 2005
8d. ibid, Paris: Editions Sand, (in press)
8e. ibid, Seoul: Hakjisz, (in press)
9. Kagan L, Kessel B, Benson H. Mind over menopause. New
York: Free Press, 2004.
10. Casey A, Benson H. Mind your heart. New York: Free
Press, 2004
11. Casey A, Benson H. The Harvard Medical School guide to
lowering your blood pressure. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006

Educational Material
For each of the six courses listed on pages 9 and 10, Dr. Benson had the
leadership role. He was responsible for the syllabi, tutorial cases and
teaching exhibits. The syllabi are numerous and are not individually
